Thursday, April 05, 2007

this aint my thing.

sailing at its best, sailed 420 today got alive and started breathing.
being able to control the boat is a skill , being able to control it better
than anyone else is joy; i found myself screaming on the port reach
today when the 13-15 knot gust hit and immediately the spin
powered up i couldnt take it b'cos its been so long since i felt
the pain on fingers trying to hold on to the spin sheet. and it
comes to a state where pain isnt physical and is just a state of mind.
o i'm not gonna start talking about my obession with pain .;

okay we've got a tv in the hostel now so we can watch champions
league matches. the funny part was smuggling the darn 26'
into the hostel, ha, and the bubble tea turned classical teh pik.

granny 's leaving for malaysia on saturday morning, dad's leaving
for japan on saturday night and mum leaving for bangkok on
sunday morning. i'm leaving for sports school on sunday night

some music will inspire. your hand is the one i want to hold

friday the 13th, 8days time.
come what may.
under the starlight she whispers sweet nothings.

i'm thinking of taking my bike out for a ride, i need a cycling partner
so anyone here free? if you are then msg me.

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